Here are the show notes for Chief Influence of Justice - Rounding the News, livestreamed on March 17, 2023. Watch the episode on the following platforms:
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Jay Couey and Paul Alexander join forces

Dr. Paul Alexander, PhD joined forces with our friend Jonathan Couey on a pair of livestreamed discussions this past week on Gigaohm Biological. The pair brought together their converging perspectives on what actually happened during the COVID-19 era, working through the nuances of how infectious clones may have been used as a multi-pronged biological and psychological attack on people around the world. As Dr. Alexander repeatedly reminds the audience, the genius behind their discussion is not that either person claims to have the full picture — rather, that both sides are openly exploring the possibility that the entire mental model of the “COVID-19 pandemic” needs to be revisited and reassessed based on the evidence as it is.
Watch the discussion on Twitch.
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Banking Collapse and FedNow

On the Unlimited Hangout podcast yesterday, writer and researcher Whitney Webb was joined by guests Marty Bent and Michael Krieger to discuss the background and implications of the escalating global banking crisis.
One thing I want to point out in particular from the show is Whitney’s mention of a service being rolled out by the Federal Reserve System called FedNow, which looks like it could operate as the basis of a central bank digital currency.
Mathew Crawford interview with Mike Adams

On Tuesday, Rounding the Earth founder Mathew Crawford appeared for an interview with Mike Adams, founder of Brighteon and Natural News. Their open and friendly conversation focused on Mathew’s “Chaos Agents” series, and touched on a number of other interesting areas of discussion. I’m very happy to have helped set this up, and look forward to the two of them talking again soon.
Moderna patent lawsuit goes to discovery

Pfizer isn’t the only company fighting to keep COVID-19-vaccine-related evidence hidden from the courts. After a March 10 decision by District Court Judge Mitchell Goldberg, Moderna will have to face the process of discovery.
Moderna is defending themselves in a lawsuit that centers around the company’s use of patented lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology in their COVID-19 genetic vaccine products — technology over which half a dozen biotech companies continue to wrestle over ownership. For a deeper dive into the developmental history of the LNPs and the dozens of associated patents, I recommend everyone take the time to read through my previous article titled “Follow the Patents: Lipid Nanoparticles and COVID-19 Genetic Vaccines.”
In March 2022, Vancouver-based Arbutus Biopharma and its partner company Genevant Sciences filed a lawsuit asserting that Moderna had knowingly violated its intellectual property rights. The complaint cites the following specific patents under its control:
8,058,069, 8,492,359, 8,822,668, 9,364,435 and 11,141,378: Lipid formulations for nucleic acid delivery
9,504,651: Lipid compositions for nucleic acid delivery
Notably, the United States Government filed a “Statement of Interest” on February 14, 2023, asserting that the mRNA-1273 product in question was developed “for the government,” requesting that they take over for Moderna as defendants in the case.
RFK Jr. Moves Ahead with Presidential Run

The heir to the legendary Kennedy political dynasty, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., seems to be moving ahead with the initial steps in a run for President of the United States.
On March 11, 2023, RFK published an article on his Substack newsletter calling for funding and volunteers to explore the viability of a Presidential run. The statement coincided with the third anniversary of the World Health Organization's declaration that COVID-19 was officially considered a pandemic — a move perhaps not lost on Kennedy’s allies.
Steve Kirsch had started discussing his intentions to create a Super PAC to “draft” Kennedy to run for President as early as January 2023, announcing as much on a January 23 livestream of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) alongside Robert Malone. He followed this up with a February 13 article on his Substack titled “I'm forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President”, requesting volunteers. In fact, the first time I recall Kirsch alluding to the notion of Kennedy running for President was way back in December 2021, during an appearance on the Alex Jones Show.
In terms of public reaction, POLITICO described Kennedy as “the vaccine apostate” and implied it wouldn't be ideal if he was given a platform on the debate stage.
Potential Conflict of Interest in BC Vaccine Passport Lawsuit

Judge Christopher Hinkson, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, is under new scrutiny for a potential conflict of interest involving his position on the board of directors for the Vancouver Foundation.
On March 12, Kip Warner of the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP) published an investigative article outlining the concern.

CSASPP has filed several legal challenges in response to government measures introduced related to COVID-19. One of these cases centred on so-called vaccine passports, which CSASPP argued violated the rights and freedoms of Canadians. British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, was named as the defendant.

Although the hearings themselves seemed to suggest Hinkson was weighing the evidence reasonably and potentially in favour of CSASPP, he returned with a disappointing decision to dismiss the case in September 2022. As Warner explains, "He disagreed. We disagreed with his disagreement." Warner argued that Hinkson made several mistakes in his ruling, in particular failing to recognize that he was legally required to evaluate whether the public health orders related to "vaccine passports" violated Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 7 describes protections to "Life, liberty and security of the person."
Disagreement on the law does not automatically suggest that the other side of the argument is corrupt. Even good judges make bad decisions from time to time, whether as a personal failure or simply a different reading of the law. In this case, it seems clear that the court will have to take a closer look at the basis on which Judge Hinkson dismissed the case, and return to the table if CSASPP is correct in their argument.
The potential conflict of interest
In addition to serving as the Province’s Chief Justice — a tremendously powerful position — he also serves as a member of the board of directors for the Vancouver Foundation. This is not new; a board seat has been reserved for whoever holds the office of Chief Justice since the foundation's founding in 1943.

Like other foundations we’ve come to know and love (?), the Vancouver Foundation receives money from donors and also gives money to people and organizations for various uses. Warner explains:
The Foundation, like most, endeavours to not disperse the principle of their funds. Instead they invest it with the assistance of portfolio managers that work at major financial institutions like Toronto Dominion. These portfolio managers are tasked with generating dividends (returns from investments) to regularly increase the CTF. These proceeds are then distributed to various non-profits and charities seeking donations in response to applications.
Problematically, Hinkson is privy to which specific investments the fund is making. That means he has direct knowledge of — for example — which pharmaceutical companies the Vancouver Foundation has a financial interest in. Kip does a great job laying out why this is a problem, for those who can’t put two and two together.
The potential conflicts transcend merely CSASPP’s affairs. With the Vancouver Foundation donating to various policing charities, and the Chief Justice potentially presiding over criminal matters, endless new questions are raised about every destination of the Foundation’s money.
He and I spoke on the phone a couple of days ago after I read the story, and it’s clear there’s an even deeper set of relationships that the general public should know about and understand. I have taken it upon myself to expand on what Kipp has presented thus far, and add a further dimension to the problematic exchanges of money and “soft influence” around the Vancouver Foundation.
Relationship with public health agencies and civil liberties organizations
Let’s start by expanding on the donations to various public health agencies that Kipp covered in his article.
In fiscal year 2021 the Vancouver Foundation donated to the Public Health Association of British Columbia $193,072 and to Fraser Health Authority $93,434. The year prior of 2020 Vancouver Coastal Health Authority received $100,000 from the Foundation. A charity setup by the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control to receive donations, the BCCDC Foundation for Population and Public Health, received $13,000.
During the onset to the alleged pandemic in 2019, many of you will recall the traditional intellectual safeguards were largely mute. The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association received $151,718.
Other recipients during that fiscal year include the BCCDC’s Foundation at $57,667, Fraser Health Authority at $41,055, the Registered Nurses Foundation of BC at $4,276, and a charity setup by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at a $1,000.
The previous fiscal year of 2018 the BCCDC Foundation again received $57,667, Fraser Health Authority $41,472, the BC Civil Liberties Association $36,104, and the CBC’s charity $1,000.

The BCCDC Foundation for Public Health is the fundraising partner for the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). As Kipp outlines, the foundation has repeatedly turned around and re-donated its funds to just a couple of recipients:
In fiscal year 2021 the BCCDC Foundation donated to the Provincial Health Services Authority $140,247. The year prior of 2020 an amount of $487,689 was donated to the PHSA. In 2019 they received $588,553. In 2018 they received $290,267. In 2017 they received $426,016. The BCCDC Foundation then in 2017 donated to the BCCDC itself $15,300.
Recall that the PHSA is Dr. Henry’s employer, a defendant named in all of our litigation - including the petition in which the Chief Justice presided over. It is impossible for any reasonable person to characterize the movement of substantial sums of money in this manner under the direction of the Chief Justice as, at the very least, not carrying the perception of a conflict of interest.
I’ll add that Henry also used to work for the BCCDC from December 2013 to August 2014. Yeah, I'd say this looks like a pretty cozy, long-term financial relationship.
But the intrigue continues. Until recently, the BCCDC Foundation’s board of directors counted as an advisor Jennifer Gardy, who went on to be hired as Deputy Director of Surveillance, Data and Epidemiology at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in February 2019. She had advised the BCCDC Foundation starting in 2011, and continued to do so during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 while in her new role at the Gates Foundation.
In fact, the Foundation’s 2017-2018 Annual Report specifically highlights Pfizer as one of their original partners:

Talk about a glowing review!
Funnily enough, the Foundation’s current donor recognition page has quietly removed mention of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline or Gilead.

Another of the Vancouver Foundation’s grant recipients is the Public Health Association of BC. PHABC is largely focused on combatting “vaccine hesitancy,” as affirmed in the organization’s most recent Annual Report. The organization co-leads Kids Boost Immunity, a vaccine promotion initiative funded by none other than Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.

The Province of British Columbia is in dire straights, and many people don’t know the full extent of it. Our new Premier David Eby pushed through the terribly concerning Bill 36 “without fanfare,” threatening to consolidate all of BC’s professional health colleges into an authoritarian, censorship-prone system without recourse for practitioners or patients alike. It even contains language that basically paves the way for the World Health Organization's "pandemic treaty with teeth" to actually become enforceable law in the province. This is not good.
How did this happen? It’s becoming more and more clear each day that BC’s institutions in particular have been captured, perhaps more than others. Many people can feel it, but we’ve lacked the understanding of how or what such corruption actually looks like in the real world.
Kip made it clear to me on the phone that he’s not asserting that Judge Hinkson exercised any hard influence over the outcome of COVID-19 related cases, or that hard influence was exercised over him by outside forces such as Pfizer. Rather, we’re looking at a system of “soft power” — one which by its very nature causes interests to become confused and misbalanced. Intention is not necessary to define outcome. Of all institutions, of course, the judiciary is supposed to be the most independent. If this is not the case, then this must be addressed by an informed and enthusiastic public.
The Western Standard reported that concerns over Hinkson’s potential conflict of interest “quietly circulated via email threads and private messaging groups since last week.”
I applaud the cautious approach taken by Warner, the CSASPP and their peers, and look forward to seeing where the case goes from here.
Please note that Locals does not yet allow me to insert footnotes in the same way that Substack does. I have requested that this feature be added.
GigaohmBiological. (2023, March 15). Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. LIVE – Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream - gigaohmbiological on Twitch. Twitch.
GigaohmBiological. (2023, March 16). Paul Elias Alexander Quick Takes LIVE -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream - gigaohmbiological on Twitch. Twitch.
Stieber, Z. (2023, March 13). Judge Rejects Request From Moderna, Moving Key COVID-19 Vaccine Case to Discovery. The Epoch Times.
Kansteiner, F. (2022, February 28). After raking in billions with its COVID shot, Moderna faces patent infringement suit related to vaccine delivery tech. Fierce Pharma.
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Goldberg, M. (2023). Case 1:22-cv-00252-MSG Document 64. In Document Cloud. United States District Court for the District of Delaware.
Kennedy, Jr., R. F. (2023, March 11). Help me decide whether to run for President. Substack.
Kolade, S. (2023, March 11). The World Remembers COVID-19 as Pandemic Marks Third Anniversary. The Michigan Chronicle.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. (2023, January 26). Full Episode #64: “Defeat the Mandates Anniversary” with Robert Malone, MD. Rumble.

Kirsch, S. (2023, February 13). I’m forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President. Substack.
Gibson, R. (2021, December 29). ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Wednesday 12/29/21 • STEVE KIRSCH, News, Reports & Analysis. BitChute; InfoWars.
Shafer, J. (2023, March 14). Opinion | Let the Cranks Run. POLITICO.
Warner, K. (2023, March 12). Positive Revelations for Appeal of Chief Justice Hinkson’s Injection Passport Ruling in Identifying Potential Conflict of Interest. CSASPP.
Hinkson, C. (2022, September 12). Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy v British Columbia, 2022 BCSC 1606. CanLII.
Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy. (2023, January 16). 2023-01-16 - Appellants’ Factum | PDF | Standard Of Review | Standing (Law). Scribd.
Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson. Vancouver Foundation. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Vancouver Foundation Act. (2023, March 8). Government of British Columbia.
Biographies. Province of British Columbia. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from
Jennifer Gardy. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved December 11, 2021, from
Board Advisor Spotlight: Dr. Jennifer Gardy. (2018, June 27). BCCDC Foundation for Public Health.
2019-2020 Annual Report. (2020). BCCDC Foundation for Public Health.
Pfizer: BNT162b2 and Paxlovid. GlaxoSmithKline: Medicago’s VLP vaccine. Merck: Molnupiravir. AbbVie: Kaletra. Gilead Sciences: Remdesivir.
Avison, D. (2018). Annual Report 2017-2018. BCCDC Foundation for Public Health.
2021-2022 Annual Report. (2022, November 9). Public Health Association of BC.
Our Partners. Kids Boost Immunity. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
Daflos, P. (2022, December 28). “Now is not the time”: B.C. faces growing backlash from health-care professionals over Bill 36. CTV News British Columbia.
Small, R. (2023, March 14). Advocacy group calls senior BC judge’s seat on organization’s board “problematic.” Western Standard.